A lot can happen in a decade—your babies are gearing up for Middle School. Television shows you love are moving into “classic” categories. And, for the startups, the vast majority failed but the savvy few just might be thriving. About.com’s Money site recently asked me what my perspective on the past decade of entrepreneurship has been, and I said that today 12 percent of Americans in the workforce are freelancers.

That’s why I launched Due.com. Most freelancers don’t have proper training in how to operate as a contractor or small business owner. They wing it, learning tough lessons along the way. Due makes it simpler for freelancers to get paid. There are also sites like Elance.com, which connect freelancers to gigs, and Upwork. Both are two of the biggest freelance online markets in the world. We’ve come a long way!

There’s also more VC funding, angel deals happening, and IPOs en masse. We’re increasingly becoming a global market, and that’s making a huge impact on freelancers and startups. When it comes to funding, obviously a pillar for the entrepreneur, it’s critical to know where we’re going next.

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Startup Funding Enters Its Next Phase a Ten-Year Evolution-with John Rampton